ICS Seminar Series

Event Name
ICS Seminar Series
5 November 2015
11:30 am - 01:00 pm
Parramatta Campus

Address (Room): EB.3.18


This paper looks at the application of ethnic brands to Haymarket and Leichhardt, two Sydney precincts that are shaped by place-branding logics of urban reconfiguration. These are strategies designed to achieve economic prosperity and influence through the adoption of 'competitive identities' for place-products. In this presentation I will discuss how different Local Government Areas have marketed more or less contested versions of ethnicity as their differentiation points within a wider context of development and growth in Sydney. I argue that the process of place branding in Haymarket and Leichhardt paves the way for a conceptualisation of ethnic place brands as...(see website for full details)

Speakers: Andrea Del Bono

Web page: http://www.westernsydney.edu.au/ics/events/seminars/ics_seminar_series

Name: Christy Nguy


Phone: 9685 9523

School / Department: Institute for Culture and Society