Introduction to Transmission and Analytical Electron Microscopy

Event Name
Introduction to Transmission and Analytical Electron Microscopy
11 February 2016
10:00 am - 01:00 pm
Parramatta Campus

Address (Room): LZ G14 Parramatta North

This workshop will review the basic instrumentation, operating modes and ancillary equipment available in today's modern transmission electron microscope, as well as outline the imaging (CTEM, STEM, HREM), diffraction(SAED, CBED), and microanalysis (XEDS, EELS) techniques which facilitate materials characterization from the sub-millimeter to the sub-nanometer scales. This workshop will serve as an good introduction to the techniques for the novice or a refresher for those who have been away from the field for a few years. The majority of the topics covered will be taken from materials/nanoscience perspective, however, selected examples from the life sciences will be included as appropriate.

Speakers: Professor Nestor J. Zaluzec

Name: Richard Wuhrer

Phone: (02) 9685 9089

School / Department: Advanced Materials Characterisation Facility