Participant Information Sheet (General)

An information sheet, which is tailored in format and language appropriate for the category of participant - adult, child, young adult, should be developed.

Project Title: Fathers' relationships with their children.

Who is carrying out the study?
The researcher's (my) name is Dion Khlentzos. I have a background in Counselling and Psychology. I am conducting research for my PhD degree at the University of Western Sydney.

What is the study about?
This study is about men's relationships with their children. It aims to evaluate whether a parenting program aimed at building relationships with children can be helpful for men who are recovering from addiction.

What does the study involve?
You will be asked to answer a questionnaire that asks about your experience as a father and in your other relationships, and also about your general wellbeing.

How much time will the study take?
It will involve up to an hour for the questionnaire.

Will the study benefit me?
It is not expected that you will have an immediate benefit. However, some people find that they learn useful things about themselves through completing the questionnaires. As a result of this study the researcher hopes to develop better ways of assisting men to improve their relationships with their children.

Will the study involve any discomfort for me?
Some questions involving your own experience of being parented will be asked, as well as how you deal with any strong emotions of your own. This could possibly involve uncomfortable feelings, so you should speak to the researcher if you are concerned. In the case that any difficult issues are raised which you can't resolve, staff at your centre are aware of the research and are also available to provide support.

How is this study being paid for?
The study is part of a PhD project. No external funds have been accessed.

Will anyone else know the results? How will the results be disseminated?
All aspects of the study, including results, will be confidential and only the researcher and academic supervisors will have access to information on participants. The academic supervisors for this research are Dr Brenda Dobia (School of Education) and Dr Roberto Parada (School of Education).

Can I withdraw from the study?
Participation is entirely voluntary: you are not obliged to be involved and - if you do participate - you can withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without any consequences.

Can I tell other people about the study?
Yes, you can tell other people about the study by providing them with the chief investigator's contact details. They can contact the chief investigator to discuss their participation in the research project and obtain an information sheet.

What if I require further information?
When you have read this information, Dion will discuss it with you further and answer any questions you may have. If you would like to know more at any stage, please feel free to contact Dion Khlentzos on 0437 670 258, or Dr Brenda Dobia on 4736 0729.

What if I have a complaint?
This study has been approved by the University of Western Sydney Human Research Ethics Committee. The Approval number is H9076.

If you have any complaints or reservations about the ethical conduct of this research, you may contact the Ethics Committee through the Office of Research Services on Tel 02-4736 0883 Fax 02-4736 0013 or email

Any issues you raise will be treated in confidence and investigated fully, and you will be informed of the outcome.

If you agree to participate in this study, you may be asked to sign the Participant Consent Form.