
Publications and Reports

RCE Logo Use

RCE-GWS members are able to use the UNU logo for appropriate RCE branded projects. However, partners must first request permission from the RCE-GWS secreteriat and then fill out the Logo Request form and submit to the UNU-IAS for approval. Please be sure to read and adhere to the the logo use policy guidelines (PDF, 258.58 KB) (opens in a new window).

RCE Global e-Bulletin

RCE-GWS members are encouraged to sign up to the UNU monthly bulletin from the Global RCE Service Centre. If you wish to contribute to their international monthly bulletin or have news, upcoming events, or publications, you would like to share, please use this form (opens in a new window) You can mail it to the Global RCE Service Centre: Submissions must be made by the 15th of every month for inclusion.

Contact Us

Email your general questions to or fill out our RCE inquire form and we will get back to you shortly. If you would like to find out how to get involved with RCE-GWS please see our Joining RCE-GWS webpage.